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Valens; AE3 Arelate; emperor standing
Description: Valens (364 - 378 AD). AE3, Arelate mint 364-367 AD. DN VALENS PF AVG; pearl diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / GLORIA NOVI SAECVLI; emperor standing facing, head left, labarum, Chi-Rho standard in right, resting left on shield, CON in ex.
Diameter: AE17 mm
Weight: 1,82 g
Grade: aVF/gF
Attribution: not in known references
Commentary: unique issue for Valens; sand patina, decent details and legends
History: Valens was an Arian Christian, wheras his brother Valentinian I upheld the Nicene Creed.
Article Number: 057-07-05-42384