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Magnus Maximus; AE2 Arelate; emperor with Victory
Description: Magnus Maximus (383 - 388 AD). AE2, Arelate mint. D N MAG MAXIMVS P F AVG; pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVGG; emperor standing facing, head left, holding Victory on globe and standard, TCON in ex.
Diameter: AE22 mm
Weight: 5,68 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: RIC Arles 27 b
Commentary: rare; brown patina, well centered
History: Magnus Maximus plays an important role in traditional history of Britons and Welsh, with some evidence in existence, that he actually may be responsible for settling large number of Roman soldiers in Brittany.
Article Number: 045-07-04-41652