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Julian II; AE3 Aquileia; vows in wreath.
Description: Julian II (360 - 363 AD). AE3, Aquileia mint 361-363 AD. DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG; helmeted, pearl-diademed, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield / VOT X MVLT XX in four lines within wreath, AQVILS in ex.
Diameter: AE20 mm
Weight: 3,9 g
Grade: VF/VF
Attribution: RIC VIII 245 Aquileia
Commentary: very rare mint for Julian; good details, dark green patina
History: After his death on the Persian campaign, Julian II was initially buried in Tarsus, but some time later his body was moved to Constantinople, where his porphyry sarcophagus still stands in the grounds of the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul.
Article Number: 059-07-06-42384