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Flavius Victor; AE4 Aquileia; camp gate
Description: Flavius Victor (387 - 388 AD). AE4 Aquileia mint. D N FL VICTOR P F AVG; diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / SPES ROMANORVM; campgate with star between its two turrets; SMAQP in ex.
Diameter: AE12 mm
Weight: 1,22 g
Grade: gF/aVF
Attribution: RIC IX Aquileia 55b; Sear 20675
Commentary: grey patina with some deposits, good details, some roughness
History: Flavius Victor was the son of rebellious Magnus Maximus and survived his father for just a couple of days having been killed by the Frankish general Arbogast.
Article Number: 005-04-02-44757