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Eugenius; AE4 Aquileia; Victory
Description: Eugenius (392 - 394 AD). AE4 Aquileia mint 393-394 AD. D N EVGENIVS P F AVG; pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / SPES ROMANORVM; Victory advancing left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm frond in her left; AQP in ex.
Diameter: AE13 mm
Weight: 0,88 g
Grade: F/F
Attribution: RIC IX Aquileia 59
Commentary: rare; green patina, ragged flan
History: During his only two years reign Eugenius managed to pacify the Rhine frontier appearing there in person and parading his army in front of the stunned germanic tribes.
Article Number: 005-07-02-45047