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Aelia Flaccilla; AE2 Antioch; Victory inscribing shield
Description: Aelia Flaccilla (379 - 386/8) AE2 Antioch mint 383-388 AD. AEL FLACCILLA AVG: pearl-diademed and draped bust right / SALVS REIPVBLICAE; empress standing facing, arms folded over chest, T to right; ANTS in ex.
Diameter: AE22 mm
Weight: 4,18 g
Grade: VF/aVF
Attribution: RIC 61.4; LRBC 2747
Commentary: dark grey patina, minute deposits, some flat area on reverse
History: Aelia Flaccilla died in 386 AD and after her death the statue of her was placed in the Senate of Constantinople.
Article Number: 040-03-03-44531