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Sicily, Syracuse, Agathokles; head of Persephone/bull
Description: Sicily, Syracuse, Agathokles (317 - 289 BC). Struck ca 317 - 310 BC. Head of Kore-Persephone left, crowned with ears of corn / Bull butting left, club and monogram above, IE below.
Diameter: AE17 mm
Weight: 3,86 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: SNG ANS 597; Calciati II, 404, 199, R18 (under Hieron)
Commentary: green patina, good centering
History: In 317 BC Agathokles, with an army of mercenaries as his support, became a magistrate of Syracuse and got rid of his earlier opponents, killing 4,000 and banishing 6,000.
Article Number: 009-02-03-41652