175,00 €
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Seleukos IV; Apollo/female figure erecting trophy
Description: Seleukid Kingdom, Seleukos IV (187 - 175 BC). Seleukia ad Tigrim mint. Laureate head of Apollo right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣEΛEYKOY; female figure (Nike without wings) standing right, erecting trophy; ΠAΡ monogram above.
Diameter: AE15 mm
Weight: 3,18 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: SC 1339; Hoover HGC 597; Babelon Rois 98bis (as Seleukos I Nikator).
Commentary: very rare; bronze patina
History: Seleukos IV, in a need of money to pay tributes to Rome, tried to supervise the administration and maintenance of order in all the temples of the satrapies formerly under Ptolemaic rule, among them the Temple of Jerusalem.
Article Number: 009-10-02-45200