45,00 €
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Ptolemy IV and Arsinoe III, Cyprus mint
Description: Ptolemy IV (222 - 204 BC) and Arsinoe III. Cyprus mint. Diademed head of Arsinoe III or Aphrodite right / Double cornucopia tied with fillet.
Diameter: AE10 mm
Weight: 1,08 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: SNG Cop 648; Svoronos 1160
Commentary: dark patina, some roughness
History: In his book "The Coinage System of Cleopatra VII and Augustus in Cyprus", Kreuzer actually atributes this coin to the famous Cleopatra VII, but the overwhelming majority of numismatic experts sees it as Ptolemy IV and Arsinoe III issue.
Article Number: 049-09-02-41652