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Pontos, Amisos; head of Perseus/Pegasos
Description: Pontos, Amisos, 85 - 65 BC. Head of Perseus right, with features of Mithradates VI / AMIΣOΥ; Pegasos left, grazing, two monograms below.
Diameter: AE24 mm
Weight: 12,6 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: BMC Pontus p. 18, 60 ff.; SNG Cop 158 - 159
Commentary: green patina with some bronze patches, good details, well centered
History: Mithradates VI styled himself as Perseus on his coinage, because the legendary here was considered an intermediary between Persians and Greeks; Mithradates himself claiming his ancestry from both.
Article Number: 007-01-05-41652