65,00 €
MwSt ist nicht ausweisbar nach §25a UStG.
Macedonia, Uranopolis; star/Aphrodite Urania
Description: Macedonia, Uranopolis, ca. 300 BC. Star of eight rays representing the sun / OΥΡANIΔΩN ΠOΛEΩΣ; Aphrodite Urania wearing chiton and peplos seated facing on globe, star on head, scepter in right hand.
Diameter: AE16 mm
Weight: 2,84 g
Grade: VF/aVF
Attribution: SNG Cop 455 - 457; BMC Macedonia p. 134, 2-3
Commentary: green patina, good details with legible legend
History: This coin represents the first known depiction of the earth in its actual shape.
Article Number: 048-06-03-41652