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Kings of Thrace, Kersebleptes; female head/cup
Description: Kings of Thrace, Kersebleptes (ca. 359 - 340 BC). Diademed female head right / KEP; cup, barley-grain below.
Diameter: AE13 mm
Weight: 2,46 g
Grade: F/aVF
Attribution: Youroukova 54-7; SNG Cop. 1070-1
Commentary: rare; green-grey patina with break on obverse
History: The Thracian Odrysian kingdom was a state of Thracian tribes which being themselves non-Greek had nevertheless some cultural interaction and connection with the Greeks who considered them the descendands of Thrax - the son of war god Ares.
Article Number: 060-07-01-44408