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Islands off Thrace, Samothrace; Athena/Kybele
Description: Islands off thrace, Samothrace, ca. 280 BC. Pythoc-, magistrate. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet / ΣAMO; Kybele seated left, holding patera in right hand, sceptre in left, ΠYΘOK behind.
Diameter: AE19 mm
Weight: 5,34 g
Grade: VF/Vf
Attribution: BMC Thrace pg. 215, 2; SNG Cop. 998; Laffaille 293
Commentary: rare; middle-brown patina with some bronze highlights and some reddish encrustations
History: Samothrace is the most rugged of Greek islands.
Article Number: 053-03-01-44408