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Demetrios II; head of Zeus/Athena
Description: Seleukid Kingdom, Demetrios II Nikator (1st reign: 146 - 140 BC). Laureate head of Zeus right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIΩY ΘEOY ΦIΛAΔEΛΦOΥ NIKATOPOΣ; Athena standing left, with spear and shield, holding Nike crowning her with wreath, monogram in right field.
Diameter: AE24 mm
Weight: 12,74 g
Grade: gF/aVF
Attribution: Sear 7065, HGC 9, 993
Commentary: black patina, well centered, good details, some deposits
History: In the battle fought in the Iranian mountains in 138 BC, the Seleukid forces were defeated, Demetrios II captured and the Babylonian province lost to Parthia.
Article Number: 032-02-03-41652