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Antiochos VI Dionysos; forepart of panther/legend
Description: Seleucid Kingdom, Antiochos VI Dionysos (144 - 142 BC). Uncertain mint in northern Syria, 144-143 BC. Forepart of panther right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOY EΠIΦANOYΣ ΔIONYΣOY in four lines within wreath.
Diameter: AE14 mm
Weight: 3,12 g
Grade: F/F
Attribution: SC 2019; HGC 9, 1050
Commentary: very rare; olive-grey patina with light deposits
History: Antiochos VI was just 4 when he was made a king by the general Diodotus Tryphon; he died just 2 years later.
Article Number: 061-09-01-42750