90,00 €
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Antiochos III; military mint; Apollo/rider on elephant
Description: Antiochos III the Great (223 - 187 BC). Uncertain military mint associated with 5th Syrian War. Diademed head right / Elephant and rider right, tripod behind; c/m: anchor in rectangular punch and horse head in square punch.
Diameter: AE19 mm
Weight: 7,44 g
Grade: gF/aVF
Attribution: Houghton 76
Commentary: rare; dark patina with some light deposits, well centered
History: During the 5th Syrian War (202-197 BC) Rome sent emissaries to Antiochos III and his ally Philip V of Macedon, demanding that the Egypt should not be invaded - in the aftermath of the Punic Wars a sign what would be to come in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Article Number: 013-02-04-41652