75,00 €
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Alexander III the Great; head of Herakles/bow-case, club
Description: Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great (336 - 323 BC). Macedonian mint, lifetime issue. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ; bow in bow-case and club, monogram below.
Diameter: AE17 mm
Weight: 4,82 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: Price 335 (R.H.J Ashton suggests Miletos mint for Price 335)
Commentary: dark green patina, sharp details
History: At the time of his death, Alexander's empire covered some 5,200,000 square kilometers, conquered in just 10 years - it took the Romans nearly 300 years to achieve the same.
Article Number: 024-02-06-41652