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Cappadocia, Caesarea, Antoninus Pius
Description: Cappadocia, Caesarea, Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). ANTΩNEINOC CEBACTOC; laureate head right / KAICAPEΩN T Ρ AΓAIΩ; Mount Argaios with statue of Helios at top.
Diameter: AE23 mm
Weight: 10,32 g
Grade: VF/aVF
Attribution: BMC 64.155; Syd. 309
Commentary: green patina, some deposits, attractive high relief portrait
History: Mount Argaios (3917 m) towering nearly 3 km abouve the surrounding plain, creates a microclimate with much more precipitation than the otherwise dry region.
Article Number: 018-03-04-41652