40,00 €
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Nikephoros III; AE Follis
Description: Nikephoros III (1078 - 1081). AE Follis, Constantinople mint. IC-XC to left and right of three-quarter length figure of Christ standing facing, wearing nimbus cross, holding book of gospels and raising right hand, large star to left and right / C-F-N-D in the four corners of a cross with a large dot at the ends of each arm, circle in centre containing large star of eight rays.
Diameter: AE26 mm
Weight: 5,88 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: SB 1888; DO9
Commentary: grey-brownish patina with some metal highlights, some flat areas on both sides
History: In his revolt against Michael VII, Nikephoros was supported by Seljuk Turks.
Article Number: 062-03-04-42747