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Nikephoros II, AE Follis, Constantinople
Description: Nikephoros II Phocas (963 - 969). AE Follis, Constantinople mint. +nICIFR b-ASILEVRW; bearded bust facing, wearing crown with cross and pendilia and loros, labarum in right, globus cruciger in left / + nICHF/EnΘW bA/SILEVS RW/MAIWn in four lines.
Diameter: AE25 mm
Weight: 6,78 g
Grade: F/F
Attribution: SBCV 1782; DOC III part 2, 8
Commentary: very scarce; overstrike on follis of Constantine VII and Zoe, brown-grey patina with some deposits
History: Nikephoros as a general regained the island of Crete from the Arabs.
Article Number: 056-01-06-41652