75,00 €
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Anonymous Follis, Class H
Description: Time of Michael VII (1071 - 1078). AE Anonymous Follis, Class H, Constantinople mint. Bust of Christ facing, with nimbus cruciger, wearing pallium and colobium, raising right, Gospels in left hand / Patriarchal cross with globule and two pellets at each extremity, floral ornaments on either side.
Diameter: AE25 mm
Weight: 4,98 g
Grade: F/aVF
Attribution: SBCV 1880
Commentary: very scarce; brown patina, some roughes, good for the type
History: The top beam in the patriarchal cross represents the plaque bearing the inscription "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" ("INRI").
Article Number: 052-05-02-41652