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Anonymous Follis, Class B
Description: Time of Romanus III (1028 - 1034). AE Anonymous Follis, Class B. Facing bust of Christ, wearing nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium, holding gospels with both hands / Cross on three steps with pellet at each extremity, in fields IS-XS-bAS-ILE-bAS-ILE.
Diameter: AE31 mm
Weight: 11,04 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: SBCV 1823; DO 26
Commentary: dark grey-brown patina, well centered, good details
History: The relatively late appearance of Christ image on Byzantine coinage results from the controversies during the iconoclastic period, where any religious depictions were considered a heresy.
Article Number: 050-03-03-41652