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Alexius I; AE Half Tetarteron; Virgin Orans/emperor
Description: Alexius I (1081 - 1118). AE Half Tetarteron, Thessalonica mint. Facing nimbate bust of Virgin Orans, both hands raised, MP-ΘV / ΑΛΞΙ ΔECΠ; crowned bust of Alexius facing, wearing jewelled chlamys, holding labarum and cross on globe.
Diameter: AE15 mm
Weight: 1,46 g
Grade: F/gF
Attribution: SB 1934
Commentary: rare; brown and green-grey patina, off-center
History: In his struggle against the Normans, Alexius I secured the allegiance of Henry, Count of Monte Sant'Angelo - the last example of Byzantine political influence on peninsular Italy.
Article Number: 054-06-03-41652