65,00 €
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AE Anonymous Follis, Class A3
Description: AE Anonymous Follis, Class A3. Time of Basil II and Constantine VII (976-1025). +EMMA NOVHA; nimbate bust of Christ facing, holding book of gospels, IC-XC either side, two pellets in each limb of nimbus / + IhSYS-XRISTYS-bASILEY-bASILE in four lines.
Diameter: AE28 mm
Weight: 9,34 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: SB 1818
Commentary: adjusted flan, slightly off-center, dark green patina, some sandy deposits
History: First Christian symbols appeared on coinage in the early 4th century AD, portrait of Christ was depicted on a gold coin in 685 AD, but it lasted 300 more years until Jesus' face was minted on the bronze.
Article Number: 062-01-04-42747