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Phrygia, Philomelion, Caracalla
Description: Phrygia, Philomelion, Caracalla (198 - 217 AD). ANTωNЄINOC ΠE AV; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΦIΛOMHΛ EΠI AΔΡIANO; Dionysos standing facing, head to left, holding Kantharos in his right hand and thyrsos with his left; to left at feet, panther.
Diameter: AE23 mm
Weight: 5.52 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: not in known references, cf. Leu Web Auc. 2 (12/2017), lot 440.
Commentary: very rare; brown patina
History: Philomelion was founded in 3rd century BC by a family of local lords serving as Macedonian soldiers.
Article Number: 013-02-02-44287