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Phrygia, Kadoi, Claudius
Description: Phrygia, Kadoi, Claudius (41 - 54 AD). KΛAVΔIOC KAICAP; laureate head right / EΠI ΔHMHTPIOV APTEMA KAΔOHNωN; Zeus Laodiceus standing left, holding eagle and scepter.
Diameter: AE17 mm
Weight: 3,68 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: RPC I 3062; SNG München 265
Commentary: brownish surfaces with remains of dark olive patina, good details
History: The legions were actually very reluctant to invade Britain in 43 AD, because the soldiers feared the unknown land and were only pushed to action by Claudius' envoy the freedman Narcissus.
Article Number: 037-05-08-41652