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Lydia, Thyateira, Severus Alexander
Description: Lydia, Thyateira, Severus Alexander (222 - 235 AD). AVT K CE AΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟC; laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; c/m: lyre / ΘYATЄIP-HNΩN; Athena standing half left, holding phialae (patera) right and shield and spear set on ground left.
Diameter: AE25 mm
Weight: 6,94 g
Grade: gF/F
Attribution: for obverse: cf. BMC 128; SNG München 675-6. R
Commentary: olive-grey patina, decent detail, minor pitting
History: To celebrate emperor Severus Alexander the city held so called "Severan Games".
Article Number: 022-04-06-41652