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Lydia, Tabala, Severus Alexander
Description: Lydia, Tabala, Severus Alexander (222 - 235 AD). P. Fronton and Agathephoros, magistrates. AVT K M AYP CE AΛEΞANΔPOC; laureate, draped bust right / TAB-A-Λ-EΩ-N below horse, EΠΠΦPONTΩN OCKPEKAΓΘHΦO, APX in ex.; radiate horseman right, double-axe over left shoulder.
Diameter: AE26 mm
Weight: 8,34 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: SNG von Aulock 3195 var. (reverse legend); Imhoof-Blumer, LSM 146, 4
Commentary: rare; olive-grey patina
History: Tabala, though its exact location today is unknown to us, was for the long time a seat of a bishop and after the complete decline of the city still the titular see of Roman Catholic Church.
Article Number: 030-05-04-41652