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Ionia, Smyrna, Gallienus
Description: Ionia, Smyrna, Gallienus (253 - 268 AD). M. Aurelius Sextus, magistrate. Struck circa 260-268 AD. AVT K Π ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOC; laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / CMYPNAIΩN Γ NЄΩK ЄΠ M AVP CЄΞTOY; Cybele turreted, enthroned, holding in right hand patera, left arm resting on tympanum, lion at feet.
Diameter: AE28 mm
Weight: 7,08 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: SNG Cop 1413; Klose 24 var. (O-/R24 [unlisted obv. die]); BMC 463 (same rev. die)
Commentary: rough surfaces, faint but good details
History: In the Book of Revelation Smyrna was one of the Seven Churches of Asia, admired for its tribulation and poverty and forecast to suffer persecution.
Article Number: 017-03-04-41652