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Ionia, Miletos, Marcus Aurelius
Description: Ionia, Miletos, Marcus Aurelius as Caesar (139 - 147 AD). Polites magistrate. ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟC ΚΑΙCΑΡ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded) right / ΕΠΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΟΥ ΜΙΛΗCΙΩΝ (ΟΛΙΤΟΥ retrograde); river-god reclining left, head right, raising right arm, resting on water-urn.
Diameter: AE16 mm
Weight: 1,8 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: RPC Online 9086
Commentary: rare; dark brown patina, well centered, some scratches
History: Miletos flourished until the 4th century AD when the silting of the Maeander delta closed the harbors and created a swamp at the former shore line.
Article Number: 014-03-06-41652