(0) ( 0,00 €)
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Nord-Griechenland (105)
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Südliches Kleinasien (26)
Naher Osten und Afrika (27)
Griechen im Westen (58)
Makedonisches Königreich (54)
Seleukidisches Königreich (33)
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Andere Königreiche (14)
RÖMER (707)
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Augustus - Nerva (31)
Trajan - Commodus (90)
Pertinax - Severus Alexander (19)
Maximinus I - Carinus (117)
Diokletian - Licinius II (74)
Konstantin I - Constantius II (171)
Julian II - Theodosius I (93)
Arcadius - Romulus Augustus (103)
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BYZANZ (168)
Anastasius - Phokas (92)
Heraclius - Michael III (36)
Basilius I - Alexius V (38)
Lateinisches Kaiserreich und Imperium im Exil (2)
Michael VIII - Konstantin XI
Petasos Coins - antike Münzen: griechisch, römisch, byzantinisch ➧
Arcadius - Romulus Augustus
nach Name aufsteigend
nach Name absteigend
nach Preis aufsteigend
nach Preis absteigend
nach Datum: älteste zuerst
nach Datum: neueste zuerst
45,00 €
Aracadius; AE3 Alexandria; Victory crowning emperor
Aracadius; AE3 Alexandria; Victory crowning emperor
115,00 €
Aracadius; AE3 Rome; Roma with Victory
Aracadius; AE3 Rome; Roma with Victory
55,00 €
Arcadius; AE2 Antioch; emperor with captive
Arcadius; AE2 Antioch; emperor with captive
60,00 €
Arcadius; AE2 Constantinople;
Arcadius; AE2 Constantinople;
50,00 €
Arcadius; AE2 Constantinople; emperor with globe
Arcadius; AE2 Constantinople; emperor with globe
60,00 €
Arcadius; AE2 Constantinople; emperor with globe and standard
Arcadius; AE2 Constantinople; emperor with globe and standard
65,00 €
Arcadius; AE2 Nicomedia; emperor with captive
Arcadius; AE2 Nicomedia; emperor with captive
55,00 €
Arcadius; AE3 Antioch; Victory crowning emperor
Arcadius; AE3 Antioch; Victory crowning emperor
50,00 €
Arcadius; AE3 Cyzicus; emperor on horse
Arcadius; AE3 Cyzicus; emperor on horse
50,00 €
Arcadius; AE3 Siscia; emperor with captive
Arcadius; AE3 Siscia; emperor with captive
60,00 €
Arcadius; AE3 Thessalonica; emperor on galley
Arcadius; AE3 Thessalonica; emperor on galley
55,00 €
Arcadius; AE3 Thessalonica; emperor with captive
Arcadius; AE3 Thessalonica; emperor with captive
75,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Antioch; Victory with captive
Arcadius; AE4 Antioch; Victory with captive
50,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Arelate; Victory
Arcadius; AE4 Arelate; Victory
65,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Arelate; Victory
Arcadius; AE4 Arelate; Victory
75,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Constantinople; Victory with captive
Arcadius; AE4 Constantinople; Victory with captive
90,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Lugdunum; Victory
Arcadius; AE4 Lugdunum; Victory
75,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Lugdunum; Victory with wreath
Arcadius; AE4 Lugdunum; Victory with wreath
105,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; Roma holding Victory
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; Roma holding Victory
80,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; Roma with Victory
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; Roma with Victory
100,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; Victories
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; Victories
65,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; Victories
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; Victories
50,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; two Victoriae
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; two Victoriae
65,00 €
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; two Victories
Arcadius; AE4 Rome; two Victories
55,00 €
Honorius; AE2 Cyzicus; emperor with globe
Honorius; AE2 Cyzicus; emperor with globe
80,00 €
Honorius; AE3 Constantinople; Honorius and Theodosius II
Honorius; AE3 Constantinople; Honorius and Theodosius II
85,00 €
Honorius; AE3 Cyzicus; emperor on horseback
Honorius; AE3 Cyzicus; emperor on horseback
85,00 €
Honorius; AE3 Cyzicus; emperor on horseback
Honorius; AE3 Cyzicus; emperor on horseback
55,00 €
Honorius; AE3 Cyzicus; three emperors
Honorius; AE3 Cyzicus; three emperors
55,00 €
Honorius; AE3 Heraclea; Victory crowning emperor
Honorius; AE3 Heraclea; Victory crowning emperor
65,00 €
Honorius; AE3 Rome; Roma with Victory
Honorius; AE3 Rome; Roma with Victory
70,00 €
Honorius; AE4 Antioch; Victory with captive
Honorius; AE4 Antioch; Victory with captive
80,00 €
Honorius; AE4 Antioch; Victory with captive
Honorius; AE4 Antioch; Victory with captive
145,00 €
Honorius; AE4 Arelate; Victory
Honorius; AE4 Arelate; Victory
45,00 €
Honorius; AE4 Nicomedia; emperors holding globe
Honorius; AE4 Nicomedia; emperors holding globe
45,00 €
Honorius; AE4 Rome; Victory advancing left
Honorius; AE4 Rome; Victory advancing left
130,00 €
Johannes; AE4 Rome; Victory with captive
Johannes; AE4 Rome; Victory with captive
90,00 €
Johannes; AE4 Rome; Victory with captive
Johannes; AE4 Rome; Victory with captive
130,00 €
Leo I; AE2 Cherson; emperor with captive
Leo I; AE2 Cherson; emperor with captive
200,00 €
Leo I; AE2 Cherson; emperor with captive
Leo I; AE2 Cherson; emperor with captive
80,00 €
Leo I; AE2 Constantinople for Cherson; Leo with captive
Leo I; AE2 Constantinople for Cherson; Leo with captive
210,00 €
Leo I; AE2 Constantinople; emperor with captive
Leo I; AE2 Constantinople; emperor with captive
190,00 €
Leo I; AE2 for Cherson; emperor with captive
Leo I; AE2 for Cherson; emperor with captive
40,00 €
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; Leo with captive
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; Leo with captive
70,00 €
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; Verina
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; Verina
140,00 €
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; Verina
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; Verina
40,00 €
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; lion
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; lion
40,00 €
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; lion
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; lion
40,00 €
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; monogram
Leo I; AE4 Constantinople; monogram
80,00 €
Marcian; AE4 Antioch (Vandals?); cross
Marcian; AE4 Antioch (Vandals?); cross
70,00 €
Marcian; AE4 Cyzicus; monogram
Marcian; AE4 Cyzicus; monogram
95,00 €
Mesopotamia, Carrhae; crab/star and crescent on globe
Mesopotamia, Carrhae; crab/star and crescent on globe
150,00 €
Theodosius II; AE2 Cherson; two emperors
Theodosius II; AE2 Cherson; two emperors
525,00 €
Theodosius II; AE2 Constantinople; two emperors with cross
Theodosius II; AE2 Constantinople; two emperors with cross
50,00 €
Theodosius II; AE3; Theodosius II and Honorius
Theodosius II; AE3; Theodosius II and Honorius
50,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Alexandria; emperors with globe
Theodosius II; AE4 Alexandria; emperors with globe
45,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Antioch; cross
Theodosius II; AE4 Antioch; cross
55,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Antioch; cross
Theodosius II; AE4 Antioch; cross
50,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Antioch; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Antioch; cross in wreath
60,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; cross in wreath
80,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; cross within double wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; cross within double wreath
100,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; vows in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; vows in wreath
50,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; vows in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; vows in wreath
45,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; vows in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; vows in wreath
55,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; vows in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Constantinople; vows in wreath
150,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; Victory facing
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; Victory facing
65,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; Victory with two wreaths
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; Victory with two wreaths
50,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
65,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
90,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
60,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
60,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
50,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
70,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Cyzicus; cross in wreath
120,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Heraclea; Victory with wreaths
Theodosius II; AE4 Heraclea; Victory with wreaths
150,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Heraclea; cross
Theodosius II; AE4 Heraclea; cross
50,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Heraclea; cross in wreath
Theodosius II; AE4 Heraclea; cross in wreath
65,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Heraclea; emperors with shields
Theodosius II; AE4 Heraclea; emperors with shields
65,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Nicomedia; cross
Theodosius II; AE4 Nicomedia; cross
80,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Nicomedia; three emperors
Theodosius II; AE4 Nicomedia; three emperors
180,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Rome; Victory
Theodosius II; AE4 Rome; Victory
140,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Rome; Victory with captive
Theodosius II; AE4 Rome; Victory with captive
45,00 €
Theodosius II; AE4 Thessalonica; Theodosius II and Honorius standing
Theodosius II; AE4 Thessalonica; Theodosius II and Honorius standing
155,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Cyzicus; Victory facing
Valentinian III; AE4 Cyzicus; Victory facing
90,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Cyzicus; Victory with wreaths
Valentinian III; AE4 Cyzicus; Victory with wreaths
95,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victories with wreath
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victories with wreath
60,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
100,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
60,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
50,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
40,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
60,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
155,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; Victory
90,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; camp gate
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; camp gate
95,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; camp gate
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; camp gate
90,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; votive in wreath
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; votive in wreath
85,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; vows in wreath
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; vows in wreath
140,00 €
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; vows in wreath
Valentinian III; AE4 Rome; vows in wreath
220,00 €
Zeno, AE4 uncertain mint; emperor with standard and globus cruciger
Zeno, AE4 uncertain mint; emperor with standard and globus cruciger
150,00 €
Zeno; AE2 Cherson; emperor with captive
Zeno; AE2 Cherson; emperor with captive
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