300,00 €
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Parthian Kingdom, Phraatakes; AR Tetradrachm
Description: Phraatakes (2 BC - 4 AD). AR Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris mint. Diademed bust of Phraatakes left, wart on forehead, two Nikai flanking, crowning Phraatakes with wreathes / Archer seated right on throne, holding bow.
Diameter: AR28 mm
Weight: 14,46 g
Grade: VF/VF
Attribution: Sellwood 57.2 variant (no year date); Shore 316; Sammlung Gonnella: Münzen Der Arsakiden (2008), 486 (this coin)
Commentary: ex Peus 388 lot 535b, Gonnella colection; good details, good metal, graffiti on obverse
History: In 20 BC Augustus struck a deal with Parthian king Phraates IV retrieving back the legionary eagles captured at Carrhae in 53 BC and sent as a gift a slave girl named Musa, who after marrying and poisoning the Parthian king secured the throne for her son Phraatakes.
Article Number: 058-06-03-42386