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Petasos Coins - antike Münzen: griechisch, römisch, byzantinisch ➧
Andere Königreiche
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55,00 €
Ariarathes II; head of Ariarathes/Athena
Ariarathes II; head of Ariarathes/Athena
190,00 €
Ariarathes III; head of Ariarathes/horseman
Ariarathes III; head of Ariarathes/horseman
310,00 €
Ariarathes IV-VII; Artemis/tripod
Ariarathes IV-VII; Artemis/tripod
80,00 €
Ariarathes IX; AR Drachm; head of Ariarathes/Athena
Ariarathes IX; AR Drachm; head of Ariarathes/Athena
80,00 €
Kingdom of Commagene, Antiochos IV
Kingdom of Commagene, Antiochos IV
90,00 €
Kings of Commagene, Iotape, wife of Antiochos IV; Iotape/scorpion
Kings of Commagene, Iotape, wife of Antiochos IV; Iotape/scorpion
65,00 €
Kings of Thrace, Kersebleptes; female head/cup
Kings of Thrace, Kersebleptes; female head/cup
50,00 €
Lysimachos; Apollo/youth on horseback
Lysimachos; Apollo/youth on horseback
60,00 €
Pergamene Kingdom, Philetairos; Athena/leaf
Pergamene Kingdom, Philetairos; Athena/leaf
50,00 €
Pergamene Kingdom; head of Athena/bow
Pergamene Kingdom; head of Athena/bow
50,00 €
Pergamene Kingdom; head of Athena/snake
Pergamene Kingdom; head of Athena/snake
65,00 €
Prusias I; Zeus/thunderbolt within wreath
Prusias I; Zeus/thunderbolt within wreath
85,00 €
Seuthes III; eagle/king's name within wreath
Seuthes III; eagle/king's name within wreath
40,00 €
Thracian Kingdom, Lysimachos; head of Athena/Athena standing
Thracian Kingdom, Lysimachos; head of Athena/Athena standing
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